Transforming Young Minds

Into Global Achievers

Transforming Young Minds

Into Global Achievers

Transforming Young Minds

Into Global Achievers

Transforming Young Minds

Into Global Achievers

Transforming Young Minds

Into Global Achievers

Transforming Young Minds

Into Global Achievers

Transforming Young Minds


Game Changers

Global Achievers

Artistic Expressions

Creative Explorers


Independent Thinkers


Hopetown offers Cambridge Lower Secondary and IGCSE
parallel to the ICSE and ISC curriculums.

Hopetown offers Cambridge Lower Secondary and IGCSE parallel to the ICSE and ISC curriculums.

Microsoft Certified
World Scholars Cup
College Board
Trinity College

Every child at Hopetown is a winner

Hopetown is the best among all boardings school for girls in Dehradun. Our vision to develop a generation of Indian girls into confident, creative women with a voice and spirit that will make a difference to the world we live in today.

Hopetown Girls’ School Mission

Hopetown aims to develop young minds that enjoy the challenges of inquiry, knowledge, and experimentation. We seek to enable all children to explore their multifaceted talents and facilitate opportunities for the celebration of these talents.

We are a fully residential school for girls and believe in sound Indian value systems, and in the significance of bringing up children in a happy, positive, and nurturing atmosphere. We believe in secularism and encourage respect of all religions, beliefs, customs and opinions.

The school’s curriculum and ethos provides opportunities for students to develop into compassionate, and caring human beings who will contribute positively to the world they live in.

Hopetown felt like home to me, and it taught me to believe in myself and my abilities. If there’s one thing I want right now, it’s to go back to school and relive the memories. I consider myself very lucky to be a member of the Hopetown family.

Ishita Kalra, 2020

Hopetown: where I bloomed, where I grew, where I became who I am. Every mentor, every smile, ensuring your happiness, is rare to find. To all present and future Hopetavians, embrace this chapter wholeheartedly. Immerse yourself in the boundless opportunities that lie ahead, shaping your future beyond belief. Treasure the bonds, and conquer the hurdles, for Hopetown will always have your back. Although I may have walked out of those gates, embarking on a different path, the spirit of Hopetown will forever live within me, guiding my choices and actions. Hopetown will be a part of me, Forever.

Harpreet Kaur, 2023

Hopetown, a place that has always been my home. Despite being far away, Hopetown still fills me with an unwavering sense of pride. It is with immense joy and gratitude that I recognize the profound influence Hopetown had in nurturing my love for both art and psychology, which led me on a journey to pursue psychology. Hopetown also made me fall in love with the memories and the friendships that I made here. Thank you Hopetown for I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have been a part of such a splendid place.

Urvi Jain batch 2022

Joining Hopetown has been a turning point of my life.
Thinking of the time spent at Hopetown, I realize how it has changed me to become a better version of myself. It has prepared me to face the challenges that the world offers.The zeal of learning and the joy of the environment is what one gets to experience in Hopetown.


The thought of going to boarding school can be scary but for me hopetown was not. I think it shaped my personality like no place would have. It was one of the best experiences of my life. Hopetown gave me some really good friends and taught me to value friendships. I will be forever grateful to all the teachers and my friends who helped me become a better person.


Hopetown is not just a school to me. It is the place where I met friends that I still rely on, learned from teachers that I still look up to, and ate food that I still miss. Every second that I have spent beneath the purple roof has been more than worth it.

Anushka Arora, batch of 2020

Hopetown holds a very special place in my heart. It is not just an educational institution but a nurturing haven that shaped me into the person I am today. It is a place where I grew, learned, and discovered my true potential. The memories I made there, the relationships I formed, and the values I imbibed will forever hold a special place in my heart. Hopetown will always be my home away from home.

Sejal Jain, batch of 2020

I may be miles away but Hopetown continues to instill in me a sense of undying pride. In knowing that nestled away in Selaqui is a beautiful school full of beautiful people and I was fortunate to be a part of it, is the greatest of them all.

Mahima Grover (Batch of 2016), Hopetavian

My value system, confidence, camaraderie and team play, ability to think big and test your limits. The belief in my potential by the encouraging teachers and friends of Hopetown has been the best turning point of my life. Thanks to the entire Hopetown team, for placing trust on me.

Khushbu Agrawal (Batch of 2005), Investment Banker, (Avendus Capital Private Limited).


Thinking diversely, risk taking, expressing views and sensitivity to human issues is developed consciously through programs in the calendar.



Our academic program encourages our girls to explore issues and subjects in an integrated way. Our senior students research their ISC and ICSE Projects for all subjects with the aim to stimulate their understanding of their subjects.

mahima grover

I may be miles away but Hopetown continues to instill in me a sense of undying pride. In knowing that nestled away in Selaqui is a beautiful school full of beautiful people and I was fortunate to be a part of it, is the greatest of them all.

Mahima Grover, Hopetavian

At Hopetown, I learned to value companionship, the important lessons about our uncertain future, and formed friendships and bonds with fellow students and teachers that’ll be with me for a lifetime and more.

Rabia Godara, batch of 2020


Our students may begin their journey at Hopetown as shy and reserved girls. But they leave us as young women; confident and ready to face whatever life has in store for them.



HGS steal the show with Kathak

The Kathak team did HGS proud last week by putting on a very well received performance at the Rose Bowl.

Founders Day Celebration 2017

The Founder's day celebrations were a much fun-filled and exciting event this year. Well over 300...

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